Strategic planning
All patients’ organisations should have a strategic plan that provides an overview of what the organisation wants to accomplish over the next few years (typically 2–5 years) and how this is going to be achieved.
Plans may be detailed or give top-level information. They differ depending on the size, leadership, experience and culture of the organisation. The strategy can also be influenced by the external environment.
Strategic planning is often based on achieving specified goals. It starts with developing the organisation’s vision and mission.
Strategic plans vary, but tend to include:
- strategic goals
- strategic objectives
- key outcomes and activities.
External stakeholders may be consulted when developing your strategic plan. However, the final version must always be in line with your organisation’s overall vision and mission.
Plans can also be used to guide:
- healthcare policies and position statements
- internal organisational policies and procedures
- periodic reports.
Useful documents
How the external environment can affect a patients’ organisation’s strategy