IAPO Americas

Patient-centred healthcare

IAPO sets out the principles necessary to achieve patient-centred healthcare in our Declaration. These principles were defined and agreed by patients' organizations worldwide.

We advocate internationally with a strong patients' voice on healthcare policy, recognising that influencing international, regional and national health agendas and policies is crucial to enable patients everywhere to have access to the healthcare and treatment they need.

Download the Declaration on Patient-Centred Healthcare.

Want to find out more?

Download our review of patient centred indicators. In this guide we reviewed efforts to measure the patient-centredness of healthcare. The review looks at indicators of patient-centred healthcare at the system level, disease level and organization level. It includes examples from the WHO, national health systems, hospitals and others.

As part of the indicators review we also conducted a global stakeholder consultation.

Download our introductory guide to patient-centred healthcare. In this guide we outline definitions and principles; provide examples of research studies on its impact; and look at some barriers.  

Other resources

We also recently pledged our support to a statement on people and patient-centred integrated healthcare (PPIC) for all. This is being led by the International College of Person-Centred Medicine (ICPCM) and is strongly aligned with our Declaration of Patient-Centred Healthcare.