IAPO Americas
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12 Janeiro 2016

In December 2015, 34 patients’ groups from across Latin America gathered in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and actively participated in the Latin American Patient Advocacy Groups’ Summit on Biotherapeutics, co-hosted by IAPO and the Global Alliance for Patient Access (GAfPA), sponsored by AbbVie.

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18 Agosto 2015

IAPO will be hosting a Regional Meeting for Latin American Members, in Panama, on 24 and 25 August.

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11 Fevereiro 2015

No todos los actores involucrados en el tema de salud, saben argumentar o exponer sus legítimas necesidades y derechos ante las autoridades gubernamentales en el Mundo y muy particularmente en latino América. 

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30 Janeiro 2015

Viu-se um amplo consenso de que as agências reguladoras e os grupos de pacientes precisam colaborar mais intimamente na América Latina, no seminário multilateral que ocorreu ontem no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 

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22 Janeiro 2015

IAPO members in Chile have been involved in the introduction of a new law to cover the treatment of high cost diseases.