IAPO Americas

IAPO Americas expert committee

IAPO Americas is run by the IAPO team and an expert committee who assists with webinars, blog entries and platform updates.

Dr Gilberto Castañeda-Hernández

Dr Castañeda-Hernández is currently the Senior Investigator at the Departmento de Farmacología (Department of Pharmacology), Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Centre for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute), México City, Mexico.

His past publications include 185 research and review articles in scientific journals and a textbook on bioavailability and bioequivalence.

Dr Castañeda-Hernández's qualifications include a PhD in Pharmacology from Faculté de Médecine, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, and a BSc in Biology from División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, Mexico.

Dr Ricardo Antonio Garcia

Dr Garcia has worked in a range of positions including Researcher at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Health Technology Assessment (IATS) CNPq/Brazil, and Researcher and Director at the Latin American Research Center of Biotechnology (CLAPBio).

Dr Garcia  has also been a member of the Advisory Board at the Technological Development Center at University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil, and Subsecretary for Biotechnology, Science and Health Development at Federal District Government, Brasilia, Brazil (2012 – 2014).

Dr Garcia has a masters degree in Business Administration and Health Management from the Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais (IBMEC) Business School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which was extended to Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, USA. He also has a masters degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Dr Eduardo Mysler

Dr Mysler graduated suma cum lauda from the School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He went on to do an Internal Medicine residency in Argentina, and then a Rheumatology fellowship at The Hospital for Special Surgery at Cornell University. He was awarded the Arthritis Foundation grant for basic research in cell death in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). He became an Attending Physician and then Director of Clinical Research at the Hospital of Joint Diseases, New York University. He is board certified in Rheumatology and Internal Medicine.

Dr Mysler later returned to Argentina where he created an institute for rheumatology research which now includes other specialties such as ophthalmology and pulmonology. He is a board member of some journals and has been published extensively in the field.

He has been the Principle Investigator in more than 50 clinical trials and has given conferences all over the world in Rheumatology. Eduardo has written and reviewed protocols for the pharma industry, been a member of The Data and Safety Monitoring Board, and is part of CLAPBio, a group of academic specialists in the Biosimilars field out of the Epidemiological Department of the University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

Dr. José Josán, MD, MBA, PhDc

Dr. Josan is Post-graduate Professor of the Peruvian Cayetano Heredia University, Professor at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences and Health Management executive director in Peru. He is a surgeon by profession, specializing in epidemiology, immunology, monoclonal antibodies and their use in catastrophic diseases: cancer and autoimmune diseases. He has developed courses on regulation and the regulation of biologics and biosimilars in Peru. He published several articles on the subject.

He was invited Professor at the UNAM (Autonomous University of Mexico) and Member of the Advisory Board of the Foundation Institute Hipolito Unanue (FIHU). He worked as Medical Director with Grünenthal and Roche laboratories.